View of the wakaf from the house.
Another view of the wakaf from the house.
View of the longan tree and bird's house. The longan tree has produced fruits twice and the bird's house is where I put the nuts and other fruits for the squirels.
There is an approximately 10-20 feet of extra land between the house border and the golf resort fence. This land has been planted with herbal plant (such as pokok limau purut, pokok sirih, pokok limau kasturi, pokok anggur, pokok serai, daun kari, pokok pandan, etc) by me. There is a staircase going down to this herbal garden. View shows part of the Herbal garden in the extra land with the background of buggy track further behind.
View of the golf course, buggy track and lake.
View from the balcony towards the greenery.